Thursday, January 19, 2017

first blog-wine

I have only recently turned 21 in the past few months, so I have little experience with wine except for the couple of experiences at dinner with friends, one or two celebrations, and the sips of communion at church.  One of the most fun times that I have had with wine was a wine night with a bunch of the girl friends over break.  One of my best friends recently got back from a study abroad in Italy and picked out a bunch of wines for all of us to try.  Out of all of the alcoholic beverages that I have tried, I would have to put wine as one of my top choices.  I enjoy the taste of it as a whole, and can really appreciate the foods that it can complement.  I would say that the experiences that I have had have been with the cheaper wines, so I would like to branch out and try wines that have more vintage to them and maybe more flavor.  In church, I only sip the red wine. Most of the time, I actually dip by bread in the wine, so I don't really get a taste for the wine itself. 
Overall, I have fairly minimal experiences with wine, but the experiences that I do have are positive which is one of the reasons why I want to learn more about wine.  Through my few experiences, I have come to enjoy white wines better than red wines because white wines tend to be a little sweeter.  I especially like Chardonnay and have had this wine the most.  The times I have had red wine, it seems a bit tough in taste, which I believe would go well with some meals. 
Coming in to this class, I hoped to gain more overall knowledge about wine such as its origin, the differences between different types of wine, the process of wine production, and wine pairings with food.  One of my favorite things to do is cook good, healthy food.  I think that wine would make a great addition to my cooking in terms of taste whether that means adding cooking wine to the food, or drinking the wine with dinner.  Knowing that wine is not bad for me and possibly is good for me, also makes me want to learn more about it and learn how to pair it with different foods.  From the two videos that I have watched for this class, I have already learned so much about wine and cannot wait to dig deeper into this subject. 

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